
Leave paper format waste transfer notes in the past

The waste transfer note required for transportation in accordance with the Waste Act is electronically formed in the MaterialPort system. The creation of an electronic waste transfer note begins when the waste producer, or according to agreement the representative of a logistics company, logs a new pre-notice in the system concerning a waste load that shall be delivered to the waste management centre. The notice shall contain details about the waste to be delivered per EWC codes. The actual waste transfer note is not completed until the driver confirms the transport of the waste load before departure. After this, the waste transfer note can be easily presented directly from the mobile application.

The use of the electronic waste transfer note is facilitated by premade document templates which make the creation of a new waste transfer note quick and easy, and the driver is not required to fill in any tedious time-consuming forms.

From the beginning of 2021, MaterialPort Center shall be integrated with the Ministry of the Environment’s digital waste transfer note register. MaterialPort Center already contains all the required details, so there is no need to build new integrations between the different systems.

The electronic waste transfer note is an integrated feature subject to no extra fees in the MaterialPort system.
