September 29, 2020 Ville Holopainen

MaterialPort expands to recycling stations

MaterialPort expands to recycling stations

MaterialPort Station will be taken in to use at Lakeuden Etappi’s new recycling station which is build to Seinäjoki during 2021 .

MaterialPort Station will benefit recycling station customers in many ways: by using Android/IOS -mobile application the customers can make a pre-announcement of what they are going to deliver to recycling station and see the price for their visit. At the arrival, their car is recognized by using the licence plate information added to the mobile application. Customer can then be guided to a correct drop-off point by using digital signage solution which gives customer specific instructions. When finished, the customer will be automatically billed from the mobile application.

MaterialPort Station enables 24/7 self-service at the recycling stations and so offers more flexible ways for consumers to recycle. Waste management companies benefit by reducing recycling station operating costs and providing customers with better user experience.

Are you interested? Contact us!