
Reform waste centres with a modern and user-friendly overall solution.

The operation of traditional recycling stations has required permanent personnel who monitor the operations as well as take payments and advise consumers. MaterialPort Station makes it more efficient to provide recycling station services and it offers consumers greater opportunities to visit them at a personally suitable time by conveniently utilizing the mobile application.

Self-service adds options to opening hours

MaterialPort Station is an overall solution which allows consumers to be offered partial or all-day self-service operations. Consumers can continue to deal with waste at recycling stations in a traditional manner but the greatest benefits for the waste company and the customers are obtained with the easiness and improved service provided by self-service operations.

MaterialPort Station includes the personnel’s user interfaces for the management of price lists and events, and Android/iOS mobile applications for consumers to use. Depending on the operating location, the vehicle identification solution MaterialPort Lense, the access control solution MaterialPort Control and the information screen solution MaterialPort Signage can be included.

Mobile application for consumers

The MaterialPort Station includes a stylish and user-friendly Android and iOS mobile application which is customized according to the client’s image. By using the application, consumers can provide information about the waste they are bringing, find information about recycling, get advice at the recycling stations as well as pay for their visit directly via the application.

Independently or jointly

MaterialPort Station can be introduced as a completely independent entity or it can be easily introduced as an expansion to an existing instance of MaterialPort.
